Chip/Bag Clips from Hangers!

So, I was checking all the frugal/deal finding sites that I check each day for my job and on one of the sites (can’t remember which right now) I came across this brilliant idea! The idea is, you take your old pant hangers with clips and turn them into clips for your chips, opened bags & anything else you need a clip for! 

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This idea is so simple and yet so genius…especially for someone like me who has a thing about hangers and prefers all my hangers to be the same. I am generally just throwing away all the hangers I get from the store, but now I’ll have a use for some of them. Well, at least the pant ones that is! 
Here is what you do…
1. Gather all your old hangers (These were in a bag about to go out to the garbage!)
2. Use strong clippers/wire cutters (I used my heavy duty wire cutters for when I’m cutting faux floral stems) to cut off the clips from the hangers. I found one clip near the edge was enough to break it clean off. 

 3. Enjoy your new clips! 

…no more rolling down the top of the Veggie Straws and hoping it stays that way…
…especially since they go on the top shelf! 
…and there you have it. Quite possibly the easiest & cheapest “DIY: Project” ever! I’ve already found a few uses for these new clips and so has Titan. Once he realized what they were for he started using them to clip his fruit snack and chip bags “to save them for later” as he put it. He loves it because he thinks it’s cool and I love it because his snacks are finally not spilling all over when he leaves them open. LOL 
Did I also mention that this project didn’t cost a dime? See, I told you, we’re all about simplifying around here this year! 😉

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