casual blogger conference 2010

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photo via the casual blogger conference

…and i’m back. that flu kicked my trash, but luckily it was only a 24 hour dealio. now it’s back to real life instead of watching gilmore girls, eating no bakes, drinking cherry limeade and wishing i owned a snuggy, while my little man had 100% free reign of the house. for those of you still dwelling on the “no bakes”, yes, i eat the strangest comfort foods when i’m sick, don’t judge. i’ve been told my eating habits should be studied. my only response is, i eat what sounds good, period.

the good news is, i finally feel like i have the energy to write about the casual blogger conference and give it a proper introduction.
the casual blogger conference 2010 kicked off last thursday evening with a girl’s night out hosted by basa body and teresa collins. it was everything a girls night out should be! i wrote about this event on an earlier post. it was all things girly, enough said.
friday, we heard from the creator and implentor of blog frog (a blog networking site), rustin banks. two of my favorite thoughts from him were, “you don’t need a degree to start a business” & “don’t worry about being ahead of your time. find your niche and own it.”
rustin was followed by speakers on search engine optimization (who knew!), how to get product reviews and how to properly do product reviews, how to use twitter, whrrl, facebook, youtube, etc. for your networking advantage, how to play nice with the FTC, how to get into online sales, how to brand and sell yourself, & how to embrace organic growth on your blog. (i think that might be my new favorite term – organic growth!).
day 2 started with loads of laughter as we all listened to matt townsend teach us all about relationships. i thought i was going to cry i was laughing so hard. what made it all so funny, was that it was all so true. he has a new book out called starved stuff, and i highly recommend it for everyone and anyone in any sort of relationship. a quote he shared that has resonated with me is,
“that which is most personal, is most universal.” ~ carl young

this is in part why blogs are literally taking over the internet scene. they have the ability to be so personal. as one blogger described it, blogging is just like talking to your neighbor over the fence. blogging is truly all about that personal connection.
blogging zen panel
photo via the casual blogger conference
after listening to matt, i was able to attend classes on blogging zen, finding your niche, & making your blog a work of art. those were not the original classes i registered for, but when i found out the classes i did register for were going to be recorded and available after the conference, i decided to attend some of the classes that were one time only presentations. i must admit, the blogging zen class was my favorite. this is probably because one of my favorite bloggers ever, marta dansie, was on the panel. i came across her blog a few months ago and it is now one of my daily must reads. i am here to tell you, she is everything you think she is after reading her blog, and then some. she is the epitome of cuteness and class while being a mother, wife, and business owner all at the same time. if i had an blogging idol, she would be it. it was so fun to meet her and talk to her.
sophie uliano
photo via gorgeously green blog
after the breakout classes we all gathered together one last time, to hear from some well known bloggers, as well as from sophie uliano the author of the gorgeously green books and blog. if i had any doubt about switching my family to a more green lifestyle, it was gone after meeting and hearing from her. i was blown away by her shiny voluminous hair and her glowing skin, not to mention her petite skinny self. if going organic and green gives you that kind of hair and skin, sign me up now!!! sophie truly represented all that she writes about. one of my favorite moments from her, was when she talked about how she feels like she always has one foot in the compost pile and the other in designer footwear. i love it! she showed me that you can be green and still be surrounded by beauty. you don’t have to settle. ps: i already have all her books on order from amazon. it feels like christmas waiting for them to come in the mail.
…and that was that. the conference was over. it was two days of pure blog bliss. i was surrounded by people who understand my blogging addiction. people who encourage my blogging addiction even. yes, blog bliss it was. i overheard a fellow attendee saying the conference was like an AA meeting but for bloggers, and no one was trying to quit. so true, so very true.
i walked away from the conference with many items on my to do list, but most of all, an appreciation for all that the blog world has to offer. i looked around at all the gorgeous, talented, outgoing, friendly woman who also call themselves bloggers, and felt like i was surrounded by close friends, i saw that i am in good company here in le blog land, and that feels good.
happy blogging everyone!

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