Category Archives: EDUCATION

Are You Attending The Mom Conference Online? (It’s FREE!)

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Update: This event will now be called The Mom Conference (I guess some legal issues came up with them calling it The Mom Summit) and it will now begin on Monday, April 7th! So make sure to update your calendars and/or get signed up today so you are all ready to go next Monday! 🙂

A couple days ago I received an email from Holly Rigsby at Fit Yummy Mummy about an online event she is participating in called The Mom Summit. (Holly will be one of 30 different “experts” who will be presenting during this online event!)

I am a huge fan of Holly Rigsby and her workout philosophy and program and so I was really curious about this event.  Come to find out, The Mom Summit is an online summit that runs March 31 – April 7 and it’s completely FREE! 

Here is a short description & video: 

No mom is perfect, but the beauty of the internet is we can all learn from each other! The Mom Summit will inspire and encourage moms around the world with new ideas to simplify life and leave more time for the joys of motherhood.”

During this 100% FREE online summit you’ll be inspired to…

  • Enjoy being a mother by learning how to stop comparing, judging, or feeling guilty
  • Put dinner on the table with a few simple tricks when you create 30 days worth of meals in just a few hours (you’re going to LOVE this!)
  • Get your kids to listen without yelling, nagging, or reminding (this will change your life)
  • Organize any space and keep it that way (what?!)
  • Maintain (or re-light) the spark in your relationship
  • Reclaim your rockin’ bod’ after childbirth without DIEting
  • Take simple steps to define your time and balance being a mom with other projects/work
  • And much more!
How awesome does all of that sound?! I know I could definitely use help in a A LOT of those areas! 

In fact, I already registered and LOVED the bonus videos I was already able to access. If they are any sign of what’s to come next week, this event is going to be awesome! 🙂 Make sure to get signed up now so that you are all set to go when the first set of videos and tutorials go live on Monday!!!

**I am an affiliate for The Mom Summit. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.** 

All About Leaves

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With it being fall, I figured now would be a great time to do mini theme with Titan centering around leaves. The first thing I did was check out a bunch of books about leaves from the library. Above were some of the ones we enjoyed the most. 
Ti really liked learning about the development of a leaf and the process that helps it change color. We were able to talk about the different parts of a leaf, how the leaves get nutrients, why different trees have different shaped leaves, etc. 
Another thing he enjoyed was doing some leaf themed worksheets during his worksheet time. (I try to have him do at least two worksheets every morning). This cute worksheet was from a free printable Pre-K packet by Moms by Heart. 

We also went on a leaf walk.

Titan loved collecting all the different leaves he found in my mom’s neighborhood. 

My one of my favorite parts of keeping Titan out of preschool this year is that I get to experience everything with him now like this fall walk. We get to learn and explore together! 🙂
This was a GORGEOUS sunset we encountered on our walk! I mean, WOW!

During the walk Titan liked to hold the leaves up to the sun and see how they changed. We talked about how the light filters through, looked for as many different shaped leaves as we could, noticed all the various colors the leaves were, etc. 

Love the colors of fall! 
More fun fall colors from our walk and the neighborhood! 
These amazing leaves we found in Grandma’s backyard! 

And, last but not least, we did some shading/coloring with some leaves. I had Ti place different leaves between two sheets of paper and color over it to see what type of any outline he would get. 

We also worked on putting the leaves in order smallest to biggest, shortest to tallest, etc. (Gotta sneak in ways to layer the learning whenever you can, right?!) 🙂
This mini theme was so fun and I can’t wait to do more with Titan. I love how he was able to learn through so many different methods and activities!  
What fun activities have you been doing with your kids? I’m always looking for new ideas to try with Titan. 

word world

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we have a new favorite show around our house. it’s word world on pbs kids!  i love this show so much it’s getting it’s own post! here are just a few of the reasons i like word world:

  • it teachings spelling and reading
  • it teaches things like sharing, helping & caring
  • my son is mesmerized by it!
  • it has i think around 30 episodes available for instant viewing on netflix (which is nice, i can handle rotating through 30 episodes!)
  • …and did i mention it’s pretty cute and totally 2 yr. old appropriate? 
i wish i could say that my son has never been exposed to anything like sponge bob square whomever or even spider man and the old school teenage mutant ninja turtle, but he has. 
if we lived in a bubble and i had it my way, my 2 year old would still not even know who spider man is, but we don’t live in a bubble and so i try to encourage other shows when i can and have a plethora of “appropriate” options available for him that don’t include fighting, high ya’ing and overall inappropriate behavior. anyone who says kids don’t know what they are watching needs to come see my two year old run up to me, yell “ninja!” and then try to karate chop me! yep, that happened… and i have a viewing of teenage mutant ninja turtles to thank for that one! honestly? really? a two year old shouldn’t even know the word ninja! 
this is why i love shows like word world. shows that teach my toddler to share. shows that teach him about letters and words and shapes. shows that are positive, fun and bright. shows that keep my two year old a two year old! 
i know i can’t control every thing my son is exposed to but i sure am going to control what i can! i think nowadays kids are already growing up way too fast, faster than they need to be and i think part of it is our fault as parents. we don’t want to listen to one more sing-a-long with barney and so we try to talk them into a show we’d rather watch. shows that probably aren’t very age appropriate. let’s let our kids be kids! let’s let our babies be babies for as long as we can! 
i am definitely trying to be more mindful of what ti is watching (i got a little lazy for a while and gave in on some things, but the ninja chop was a BIG wake up call!) and thankfully, shows like world world give me options that are appropriate and even educational. thank you, thank you pbs kids! 
here is a clip of world world i found on you tube:
ps. we have watched all our episodes on netflix, but i know it is still on the regular tv line up as well. you can find what time is plays in your area over at pbs kids! happy watching!