no bakes

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these have been one of my favorite treats for years. they were a staple dessert growing up in our house. with how many times i’ve made them, you’d think i’d have the recipe memorized by now, but no. every time i want to make them i’m usually calling my mom asking for the ingredients to make this oh so delicious treat. i ended up making these tasty cookies yesterday as they were the only thing sounding even remotely good and i knew i could make them in under five minutes. i love quick and easy!

peanut butter warning: i love peanut butter as much as, if not more, than the next person, but this is one recipe where i go ick at even the taste of a tiny bit of peanut butter. this recipe does not contain peanut butter for a reason. i prefer my no bakes sans the peanut butter, it allows the chocolate to shine through! so if you’re expecting peanut butter, my condolences.
now onto the recipe:
1 3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup milk
2 1/2 tablespoons cocoa
combine all of the above ingredients on the stove and bring to a boil. boil just until the shortening has all melted. remove from stove and immediately stir in:
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups quick oats (give or take 1/2 cup – it just depends on how gooey you want them!)
then spoon onto a 9×13 cookie sheet covered with wax paper, in any shape or size you desire.
you can eat these gooey and fresh off the stove with a spoon, or wait for them to set into an actual cookie and grab ‘n go.
enjoy! oh, and make sure you have a glass of milk ready, you’ll thank me later! nothing goes better with these than a tall glass of cold milk!!!
ps. imagine my surprise this morning when i did my daily visit to martawrites and i was there in a photo with marta! you have to realize, for me, meeting her was like meeting a movie star to other people. i look ridiculous with my hands moving a mile a minute, but that’s a-ok! i was there and it was documented! she was so sweet to answer my questions about blog privacy and having a toddler. 

6 thoughts on “no bakes

  1. Tara

    Cindy will thank you for putting this recipe online so I don't have to call her anymore either :). Now if only I could get a white sauce right ….

  2. Cambria

    Sara, I love that site as well. Thanks for the link. I've already added all the ingredients to my grocery list!!! I can't wait to try those!!! 🙂 I'll let you know when I do!

  3. Leanne

    I'm pulling out the cocoa as I type!! Yumm-o! No Bakes are perfect for summer time, and these look fantastic! I'm seriously going to make them . . . RIGHT NOW!!! Thanks so much (stopping by from Holly's Tickled Pink Friday, and I'm a follower now, so I'll be back for more soon!)

  4. Tara

    Cami, will you please tag this on your front page so that I don&#39;t have to scroll through all of the older posts to find it. We make these just about every month and that is just enough time for me to forget how to make it.<br />Thanks


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